Welcome to the RVA Learning Center in Mosinee

Intentionally located in the center of Wisconsin for ease of access for both our families and consortium partners, we wanted to create a space for group events, curriculum enrichment opportunities, individual students coming for help or looking to form in-person relationships with other students, consortium partners looking for a space outside of their district for meeting opportunities, so from one day to the next, sometimes during the same day, our space has the flexibility to adapt to different learning preferences, events and ages.


Join us for our in-person RVA Events!

The mission of our in-person events at the RVA Learning Center in Mosinee is simple: to provide fun and innovative activities, designed to nurture and challenge students in the areas of academics, leadership, communication, and creativity.


The RVA Learning Center was Designed for Blended Learning

Learning Pods

The ability to focus is a real challenge for today’s individuals. We get interrupted or distracted at every turn. Our learning pods: create a barrier from visual distractions, provide a sense of privacy and relay a sense of security

Collaborative Media Tables

Our Media Table is specifically designed to support different learning modes. Simply raise or lower the monitor for seamless transitions as students move between discussion, presentation and group modes in today’s learning spaces.

Primary Reading Nook

Our goal for the Primary Reading Nook was to create a cozy, comfortable, and fun space in the Learning Center for families and young students to read. We wanted to give your junior bookworm the perfect environment to fall in love with the world of stories.



“We have rethought the learning center experience to accommodate today’s technology-savvy students,” said Athena Podolak, Rural Virtual Academy’s Director of Marketing, “We wanted students of all ages as well as consortium professionals to find the space welcoming and functional.”